Thursday, October 30, 2008

Smoothie event #2

Huzzah! Our second smoothie day was a success, even in the cold and rain. We sold smoothies outside of the Sf campus at CCA, and surprisingly had no problem selling smoothies. Some people really got excited about our cause, and some really weren't interested because of the cold.

Our Citations are ready, so beware! the Portion POlice is now policing YOUR area, and if you are guilty of the following crimes:
Parking at an Establishment that serves Porpoise Sized Portions
Driving a Huge SUV for no reason
"Supersizing" a meal
Eating as if it was your last meal for the next month

We promote healthy eating, living with all things in moderation, and watching your portions.

We are not saying that eating ice cream sundaes, or burgers or things like that are all bad, but they should be rare occassions, and savored, not inhaled in gargantuan proportions, every day.

This message was brought to you by the Portion police, employed by Operation Moderation.
Officer Shell Reporting.

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